2023-2024 booster Board Members

Please feel free to contact the Booster Board with your questions!


Directors: Josh Artz artzj@bcsdschools.net and Greg Priest priestg@bcsdschools.net office phone 843-820-4033

President: Chrystal Ledbetter crledbetter@gmail.com  

Vice President: Jamie Mingacci jmingacci@yahoo.com

Treasurer: Jennifer Odgers Jennifer.Odgers19@gmail.com

Secretary: Chrystal Millis jrjr711@bellsouth.net 

Props and Travel Coordinator: Tony Mingacci Tonymingacci@gmail.com

Volunteers & Chaperone Coordinator: Brandy Locklear sunnypooch@gmail.com

Concession Lead: Shawn Owen shawno9269@hotmail.com

Fundraising Coordinators: Keady Garcia KeadyGarcia11@gmail.com and Dionne Bennett bennetdl@musc.edu